Sunday, July 15, 2012


I began four months ago with great advice from wonderful friends. I started walking two minutes/running two, and slowly increased to where I can walk one and run ten to get my mile in under 12 minutes on the treadmill. I also do circuit-type training. I lift weights, do 60+ inclined sit-ups and alternate between cycling and elliptical training for a total of 3miles. I have only lost four pounds, but am down a dress size and have lowered my BMI by one point. Yea me, right?!  Nope, too soon to tell.

This week I only ran once and opted to swim and do high intensity yoga instead... which concerns me. I am bored with running and have been choosing to tread water for 30 minutes and swim laps in place of running. I have been in the pool 6 days this week. I understand that exercise is good in all forms, but I really want to run Disney's Half-Mary in January. I am beginning to wonder if I  am disciplined enough to do it.

All my life I have struggled with this. It's a pattern. I get curious to see if I can do something, but once I reach the goal, I loose interest... OR better yet, I don't even have to reach the goal to loose interest, but rather reach the level that I believe others are on, and I quit. I have no desire to be the best or to even finish. I just want to know if I can do it... if it is possible. Examples rage from playing musical instruments to attaining a college degree! One could say that I have lived my life focused on the journey and not the destination. I have always wanted the experience and challenge, but not the responsibility of winning or being tied to the result.

As I have gotten older, I realize this about myself and it is something that I am focused on changing. This is not a personality trait that I am proud of or want to demonstrate to my children. I don't want to be toward the end of my life and look back and always say to my kids, "I could have done that," having never really accomplished anything. So tomorrow. I will run. And when September 1st arrives, I will begin my marathon training. And who knows, maybe when January gets here, I will be able to run the Disney 13.1.... BUT I'm not going to pay the registration fees  quite yet! ha!

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