As I was tucking in my two girls the other night. They began to tell me how they were scared of the noises that the house makes. My youngest girl, age three, said that she heard strange noises in the bathroom prior to going to bed. My eldest, age seven, agreed. I explained to them that what they heard was the air conditioning unit clicking on and the vents rattling overhead. My three year old began to whine and say, "No, Momma I heard a crack. There's a crack in the bathroom." I repeated my explanation to no avail. Finally, when the three year old was on the verge of tears, I turned my back to her, pulled down my pajama pants slightly and said, "That wasn't a crack. This is a crack." She began to laugh so violently that her sister asked what I did. I turned to her and gave her a full moon. They were both so surprised that they forgot to be scared. While laying in bed that night, I couldn't help but think, "This is going to come back to bite me in the ass...crack."
Although you had already told me this story, I LOVED reading it again. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!