The saying is, "necessity is the mother of invention." However, I realized as I was cleaning the kids bathroom this morning, that motherhood was necessary for me to become the inventor. Mind you, I use the title inventor loosely.
I realized as I organized the soaps and loofahs that were soggily trapped at the bottom of the tub, that a shower curtain ring can serve nicely as a hook to hang the loofahs from. Viola! A Loofah Hook... for just two easy payments of, $19.95 you too can have your very own set of Loofah Hooks, and if you act fast I will throw in an extra set for free!
This new invention got my mind working. I began to think about how much my life has changed since I was blessed with these four precious babies. I always thought that my adult years would be spent wearing fancy clothes and working full time and traveling around the world. If that fantasy got boring, I dreamed I would be wearing bathing suits living on the water collecting liberal data on how the world ocean's are polluted beyond repair. Never in a million years would the obnoxious teenaged version of myself have dreamed that she would be a 30 yr old, stay at home, home-schooling mother to 4 kids.
As I am typing this I am reminded of the verse, "For I know the plans I have for you (says the Lord), plans to prosper you, not harm you." My plans were small, self-centered plans. God's plan was bigger and better than I could have ever thought of with my sinful, selfish mind. It's a good thing that we often don't get what we want. How very lonely my world would be traveling by myself or sitting on a boat in the middle of no where. What type of personal/spiritual growth is there in doing what you want and what is easy?
So today I don a new hat. The hat of an inventor. A mother who will create lesson plans and who makes up stories and games. A mom who solves the problem of bathroom clutter...One who will drop her drawers to get her kids to laugh. A wife who invents a recipe for her husband's favorite cupcake. No, I am not your typical inventor and my name will never be remembered as a top mind who changed the digital age, and I may not be of fancy dress or have a pet dolphin. But I will always be remembered as, Mom.